
Madrid hosted the III Business Investment Forum “Asturias, land of opportunities”

This event, organized last Friday May 17 by the Chambers of Commerce of Asturias together with Sekuens and the regional government to extol the strengths of the region in the development of business projects, had a varied cast of attendees and speakers and the presence, among others, of the Minister of Industry, Jordi Hereu, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Spain, José Luis Bonet, and the president of the Principality, Adrián Barbón.

Family photo of the authorities attending the event.

Madrid hosted last month the III Business Investment Forum “Asturias, land of opportunities”, an event organized by the Chambers of Commerce of Asturias with the support of the Sekuens Agency and the Government of the Principality. About 200 attendees gathered at the Fernando de Rojas Theater of the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid, where different round tables with institutional and business presence analyzed the potential for economic growth and the development of projects in the region.

Among others, the event was attended by the Minister of Industry, Jordi Hereu, the President of the Principality, Adrián Barbón, and the President of the Spanish Chambers of Commerce, José Luis Bonet. They were joined by representatives of the main chambers of commerce in Asturias, several councilors, the president of the asturian parliament, the mayors of the main cities in the region, political representatives from various parties, as well as leaders of the Asturian and Spanish business community.

On behalf of the Sekuens Agency, the director, David González; Jaime Fernández Cuesta, head of the Business R+D+i Area; Mónica Pulido Navas, General Technical Secretary of the Agency; and Inés Seijo Martínez, technical advisor of the Business Growth, Investment and Attraction Area, attended the event.

The event began with a round table presentation by the representatives present, one about the metropolitan specialization poles in Asturias, moderated by Nieves Roqueñí, Minister of Ecological Transition, Industry and Economic Development of the Principality, and the other about the defense industry: a supra-regional vision of opportunities and future, moderated by Luis Colunga, PERTE special commissioner for industrial decarbonization. The event was closed with a discussion between Carlos Franganillo, director of Informativos Telecinco and David González, director of the Sekuens Agency.

Minister Hereu emphasized that the Principality has “collective intelligence and has the full support of the Government”. The President of the Principality praised the investment opportunities offered by Asturias, “a community at the forefront of industry, hyper-connected, a logistics and innovation hub in the Cantabrian region and a paradise of quality tourism”. And for his part, the president of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, José Luis Bonet, highlighted the improvement of the competitiveness of Asturias and its “immense attractions to attract investment: companies, industrial tradition, talent, innovation and a unique natural environment”.
